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The green that goes with everything.

We like to think of them as every cook’s favorite little green dress. From breakfast to dinner and small bites in between, Suavo Avocados® provide the ultimate flavor and texture to amp up any dish. Whether you are following a specific diet such as keto, paleo, gluten-free, or intermittent fasting or just looking to incorporate more nutritious foods into your lifestyle, Suavo Avocados are the perfect snack. Suavo Avocados® are grown in the richest climates of Mexico, Peru, and Chile.


Suavo Avocado® Quick Facts


Storage Tips for Suavo Avocado®

refrigerator illustration

Ripe Avocados

Store in the refrigerator for about 2 to 3 days.

sliced avocado illustration

Cut Avocados

Sprinkle some lime or lemon juice and store in an air-tight container for about a day.

bowl of avocados illustration

Unripe Avocados

Store at room temperature to ripen in about 4 to 5 days.

Speed up the ripening process by placing avocados in a brown bag with an apple or banana.

Quick Usage Tips

bowl of salad illustration

Slice ’em on salads and sandwiches

stuffed avocado illustration

Stuff ’em with chicken salad or quinoa

bowl of guacamole illustration

Smash ’em into a creamy guacamole

avocado toast illustration

Smear ’em on toast

avocado illustration

Share ’em with friends and family

Avocado Nutrition Facts

Per Serving
8 G
Total Fat
3 G
Dietary Fiber
240 MG
1 G
.3 MG

Full Nutrition Facts